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Monday, July 8, 2013

Thoughts on NOVA, David Koch and climate science

             Recently watched an older Nova about research being carried out in Antarctica.  Global warming/climate change is at the forefront of this episode – but also more in the background.  Okay, let me explain why: researchers on the south continent dig out climate data that is old, like getting into geological time, i.e., tens or hundreds of millions of years ago.  Fossilized moss is found and was shown to be preserved due to rapid climate change.  So in one regard the show looked at ancient climate that could happen again.  Since human-caused CO2 was not the culprit of so ancient a change there is a decoupling of our actions today from what is going on climatically today.
Sweet ancient moss!
            Is this an underhanded tactic from Koch-funded Nova?  I mean, not to come to any steadfast conclusions about climate change, you know, let’s let science keep reasoning this out – heck, that is what more explicit Koch-funded propaganda has succeeded in accomplishing.  Sleight-of-hand delay tactics that get results.  Tactics that let folks conclude that current climate change is not actually being caused by people.  I’m all for the possibility of some black swan being the cause of climate change but also I am compelled by the overwhelming scientific consensus re: this issue.

David Koch - cancer survivor

            I’ve already discussed one man’s take on the climate issue – even if nothing is done and things get worse we will still carry on.  In the conspiracy circles I am familiar with there is a perception that climate change is just a gimmick to manipulate folks in various ways.  I accept that as an individual – if things are as dire as they appear to be and the interests sanctioning these changes are as intractable as they seem – I can’t do much.  I also accept that things won’t change even if I flip out and become a consummate activist and radically curtail my way of life. 

             Still, it is interesting to be aware of things and understand motives.  Of the scientists on the Nova Antarctica show I would guess most accept the reality of human-caused climate change.  Appearing on a show funded by David Koch is strange, though.  Scientists are providing information for people, only at this point they seem to just be making refinements.  Guess making a career out of refining knowledge – just for knowledge’s own sake – is at least interesting.  As I’ve stated for myself, just because you know it is going on – or if you are providing the data letting us know it is going on – doesn’t mean you actually have do anything to stop it.

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