In our daily affairs – in our collective and individual
day-to-day lives – I am struck by what motivates us all. We all respond to challenges and what other challenge
can meet the one that we all respond to, namely the will to keep living each
day? The French existentialist
philosopher/author Albert Camus (1913-1960) posited that the only question is why
not commit suicide? (fyi: while he died
young it was in a car wreck.) While this
makes sense to someone immersed, however cursorily, in existentialist thought,
it otherwise seems an absurd thing to say.
If this is a question everyone must face then the overwhelming response
is to affirm life. Though not many delve
into the worlds of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre, Camus, et al. – or for that
matter any level of philosophical examination of their lives – I think people
do form fairly comprehensive narratives of their lives and their place and role
in the world. People keep on keepin’ on.
Listening to John Lash may be the primary inspiration for
this work. Sure, with our perfect
hindsight history makes sense – trends, influences, demographic shifts having effects
that last millennia are mapped out, correlated.
But I still find the idea of Archonic influence, which I first heard
from Lash, to be intriguing.
Perhaps I’m falling prey to scare tactics or maybe there really
are grave concerns – either way I think there are some (dare I say?) evil
influences out there. The quest for
money is something anyone can understand whether you are trying to just survive
or if you are trying to out-do your competition in the billionaires’ club. There is also a drive for control by those
that have a vested interest in keeping things going down the same track – in
the directions that most benefit them.
Who are “they”, anyway? Are they
the members of the billionaire’s club?
Not necessarily – I think here in America we make personal decisions
sometimes in a manner that (to me) makes us little fascists in our own right.
Is the overcompensations of an evolved psychological need solely
to blame? Can it be chalked up to a base
greed? I would say that incremental
changes may develop an inertia. Take for instance the history of the lobbying
industry presented by Robert g. Kaiser – lobbyists outnumber our congressmen
now but it didn’t use to be that way.
The data show votes can be bought and the will of non-paying citizen constituents
is sold out.
But before I explain the Archons as presented by Lash I must
take a step and continue giving credit where credit is due and acknowledge
David Icke. A figure of no small
fame/notoriety, I have appreciated much of what he has said, especially his critiques
of corporate culture. However, when he
starts getting into describing how elites of a certain bloodline are really reptilians
and ritual-based pedophiles my mind is forced into metaphor-mode. Metaphorically or in a spiritual sense the actions
that , say, take a nation to war which subsequently kills million while simultaneously
lines the pockets of those that make the weapons – those are the base actions
of people that behave like animals, whether their actions are due to viciousness,
fear or whatever else.
With that concept in mind I listened to John Lash on Red Ice
Radio and the influences that Icke was citing soon become more realistic. Lash is working from Gnostic texts that
describe entities called Archons. Only
able to live on a spiritual plane, they envy man-the-kind . . .
This entity which may actually lurk behind something as simple
as a negative thought is terrifying.
That something like this goes out its way to contact and manipulate
those in power is even more terrifying.
If these Gnostics where writing allegorically then these fears morph
malignly into paranoia.
Is this something to just pause and think about, trying it
for a theory one day and then moving on the next? Say it is true, 100% correct and not
metaphor. Well, first – phew! Bye-bye paranoia and yea! I’m not crazy. But secondly and most importantly you are
presented with a radically different way of understanding the world and your
place in it. A different understanding
of a different way of life is called for.
Having come to similar conclusions via social
science/dissatisfaction with the way the world is I can at least (healthily) entertain
Lash’s ideas. And when our take
history/social science and combine it with the work of John Keel, Archons start
to sound more and more real.
This is only a test
Are men in black Archonic agents? Is every Channeler just a mouthpiece for a manipulative
Archon even if what is spoken seems benign and helpful? If we knew out of the gate they are evil then
we could say all their actions are therefore evil – even seemingly pleasant ,
affirmative guidance. Let’s discuss this
a minute. Some folks perhaps do not
actively channel but may have heard a voice that, say, guides then on a career
path that proved enlightening and rewarding.
Or a channeler may speak to as an alien who is concerned with
detrimental human activities such a nuclear weaponry and environmental degradation. How are these bad? The one answer that I’ve heard others like
Jim Marrs discuss is that
some entities are simply tasked with a job keeping an experiment running with
humans as the test subject.
Here that metaphysics of this argument get murky – however
we can still partially hang on the Occam’s sharpened implement. The Gnostics have done our spiritual homework
for us in the sense that now we have the concept of a spiritual entity with their
own interests intertwined with and put in front our ours. From there it easy to come to various perhaps
evil conclusions. Actually the evil
intent may be partially removed as some of these entities could be considered
simply nothing more than elaborate recording put in place to keep humanity
thinking there is mystery and purpose in the world.
Take the case of the individual who maybe goes into a trance
while a child and hears a spirit guide offer them advice. No matter how specific or vague – “become a
pilot,” say, versus “be a force for good” – the power of suggestion may put
their plans successfully into action.
The subject carries forth and their behavior monitored and measured. The anomalous suicide is duly measured and
perhaps expected. Overall though, the
influence of these being provides an environmental stimulus that meets either a
control condition or, conversely, adds a bit of cocaine to the lab rat’s water
beaker: just to see what the results are.
The eloquent and far-out Terence Kemp McKenna
I admire graham Hancock and Terrence McKenna but when they
see “machine-elves” while on their DMT trips the idea of a recorded message is
something at least Hancock says is a possibility.
The experiment idea nets all kinds of theories. Perhaps a Deistic God exists who set up
creation and then left, letting things run on their own (with Archon-like
stimuli?) Or, perhaps regardless of his
fudged translations, Zechariah Sitchin was right and we are genetically
modified slaves created to mine gold. Or
rather yet, we are one alien student’s creation, his entry among others in some
difficult to imagine science fair.