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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Obama Conspiracy

            For the sake of entertaining my paranoia – do people have some information about Obama, a source of blackmail that allows him to be manipulated?  Or does he feel the need to maintain power, no matter the cost? 
            Let me start by saying these possibilities are actually metaphors.  Why has Obama not been totally awesome?  Why not brush aside the economic woes with some amazing policy?  So I retreat to metaphor: what could cause him to so blatantly ignore the wishes of those that elected him?
            The latter idea first.  He is willing to burn bridges, destroy trust, just so he may stay in power.  Bernanke and Summers and the attack on medicinal plants maintaining continuity between Obama’s and Bush’s terms.  And of course our country went down a path unforeseen at the time of his election.  And Republicans play hardball.  Still, just the fact the big Larry Summers is still an operator in government.  Does Obama know he has to appease certain groups to continue to get their support?  The banks support him.
            So there is the realpolitik version.  What of, and remember this is allegorical, what of the possibility that someone or some group has something on him?  That they’ve recently told him his birth certificate could have vanished if they had been displeased anymore?  Or some photos of some indiscretion are only an email away from a tabloid’s front page?  Well, just entertaining this, this tangent, the President doesn’t seem like he has anything to hide.  Which is what makes the grasping for power theory seem untenable as well.  And wouldn’t any decisive dirt have already been dug up and presented before he was elected? 
            In the real world, not the world of metaphor, now: I think a set of circumstances conspired against Obama if anything.  Since Summers et al. had experience (getting us into this mess) perhaps it makes sense they may know how help us (out of the mess they helped create).  Who knows?  Who knows how much worse things could be?  Just to wrap my head around some things I must resort to metaphor.

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