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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What is reality? Ancient Aliens edition.


            Watched something recently that blew my mind. I don’t always use that phrase but it was really the first thing I thought. The first thing I though after putting my mind back together, of course. You can get that feeling too – but hold on, I don’t want to give it away. Let me build it up for you: Imagine giving two people general guidelines for the creation of a fantasy world. Then have them fill in the blanks for each of their worlds, make up histories, trends, etc. In the end the major details of the two people’s fantasies will be the same. The minor details, however – the ones that they made up – will be different. Now tell the two people in the experiment to convince the other that their details are the correct ones.

            Here it is: Now I’m just wondering to what degree my thought experiment is actually being conducted in this video. If you don’t watch it (but I suggest you do) here is what is going on: two sets of UFO researches are arguing for their particular views on what UFOs are and to what extent the government is involved. It is truly far out stuff. Have to say I’ve watched a few videos of fringe provenance lately. In order to garner ideas for sci-fi stories I might potentially write. That is what I tell myself, anyway.

            I feel like I’ve got to a point in my life when I have divested myself of illusion, where my world view has been whittled down as well as enlarged, finding the right balance of skepticism and belief. Something I think everyone would manage to claim about themselves. We all think that we know what is going on. What the score is. What our relationship is to the world. How, for example, we relate to society, to the power structure in society. “Yeah, this is who I am. And I am who am because that is who I want to be.”

            This is possibly the beginning of a path to conspiracy theories. People desire to know what is going on. They want to know how they for sure fit into society. No, people don’t want to know how they fit in society, they actually (purport to) know how they fit in society.

(For the sake of argument?) First, let’s consider that the debaters in the video to be radically out of touch with reality: let’s consider them to be daft (radge). Unable to succeed in the real world they have found a niche that gives them control over reality. It is a made-up reality, however, and the only reason they can continue down this path is because their delusion is shared by a certain amount of people in a community of like-deluded people. Is that your response to the video interview?

            What got me was the specificity of their arguments. Contrary to considering them mad, consider them to be informed. Let’s say that they know what they are talking about. The doctor has talked to informants. There is some energy source that could alleviate the world’s energy needs. On the other side of the table, perhaps the doctor is acting some kind of agenda, mixing truth with delusion. His interlocutors have good reason to be suspicious of his motives. Their concern is in service to all of humankind. It turns out not to be arguing all about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

            So, what is it? My first reaction holds strong – reticence to believe in what they talk about, the specificity of their arguments nails in the coffins of their madness. My imagination asks, “What if?” What if they are not operating out of selfish agendas. A drive for mastery over the world so much that a separate world has been created. What is reality? What little worlds of fantasy to we all create? Worlds of fantasy writ small. I’ll give an alien researcher himself the last paraphrased word. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos has said the only way we will really know if aliens did or did not play a part in humanity’s past is to ask them once they arrive/return.

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