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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

DeChristopher compared with David Icke and his ilk (but hey, I like Icke!)

            Could there possibly be a link between Tim DeChristopher and David Icke?  Perhaps similarities – both are fighting an organization (perhaps a loose but effective organization in TDC’s case and a concentrated and effective organization in DI’s case) that is bent on running the world while also destroying the world.  Both have clear outlines of actions needed to be done in order to stop this organization.  Both see an end game of strife and population loss.
             Tim DeChristopher: climate activist.

             David Icke: proponent of radical views that fall under the aegis of conspiracies.

            Must say that Tim D is much more rational – in the sense of the word rational intending prosaicness.  Do corporations want to reduce the population of the world in a focused and genocidal set of plans?  For Tim D and for most people if population decline happens it will be merely a byproduct of inattentiveness to climate/environmental concerns.  People will die if the too-big-to-fail food chain suffers and major disruptions occur via, say, drought or extreme weather events.  Any human misery will be the cause of corporate overreach and the collusion between corporations and consumers that sees people (right now corporations fall under this purview) not planning for the future and only thinking about their next paycheck whether it be to have money to buy that new consumer product or to have money to simply survive.  The world is a complex system run by people with an understandably small capacity for foresight and a very large capacity for greed.

            That the world is complex, perhaps David Icke would not argue.  That there is a guiding hand behind that complexity, however, is what he has staked his career and reputation on.  A DeChristopherian, prosaic worldview would posit corporate rule based on directed corporate action to raise profits/please shareholders/subvert democratic processes.  Icke sees a malign group of people associated with secret societies whom are aligned with otherworldly, demonic actors bent on evil and control.  A prosaic, but still radical view, sees corn syrup added to the food supply to boost corporate profits, the health of the consumer be damned.  On the other hand, folks in David Icke’s coterie see the introduction of corn syrup (and any other food additive – or even chemtrails) as a means of intentionally killing off a large part of the population.

            Re: population decimation, the perceived stakes of Tim and David are equally high.  But they care, both of them.  They care about the present population and care for everyone comprising it.  DeChristopher is actually going to seminary to, in part I’m sure, better understand the moral dimension of the climate argument.  David Icke has us all being connected by cosmic thread – a cosmic thread in need of defense against evil.

            Let’s take an agnostic view.  Let’s hold judgment on Tim and David’s views – chances are most Americans do this already.  The roads that these two gentlemen take are different, separate roads, neither travelled by many folks.  And understanding their views is one thing – living in a way that addresses the issues raised is another.  DeChristopher and Icke both walk the walk.  Interesting the answer to the question that will be asked of both: “Was he right?”.

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