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Sunday, April 2, 2017

This school of Earth

Are you familiar with the New-agey concept that before we incarnate on earth we choose to come here in order to further our (I guess big “L”) Learning?  Earth is a great school, the travails we experience lessons that we might learn from.  But is this just one more apologistic patch put on the matrix, a matrix either blind and evolutionary, or a matrix meant gnostically?

The topic of eternal, of eternal fascination: where did we come from and why are we here?  There are two general answers at odds to one another – no to meaning and yes to meaning: at least with regards to an external force playing a part in the generation of meaning.  Of course people find meaning outside of turning to a god or God or external force.  People find awe in the universe, awe at how “small and insignificant” that we are and, perhaps ironically, on the other hand people present themselves as insignificant specks in front of a god (an awe-inspiring god).

How successful materialism?  Fairly successful, at least in the west.  But what animates everyone, a sort of baseline, is a belief in simply going forward, just keeping moving, an animating force I suppose meant in two ways: not only the force of life that grants us physical motion but also the idea of someone seemingly being alive, being described as animated, the life force finding a billboard to advertise itself on, a common factor more fundamental then stated religious or non-religious beliefs, a belief common to most beyond words, spoken with action.

Yet, the idea that we choose (or not) to be put here in order to learn – are there some lessons that are actually not worth learning?  That we come here to learn operates still on the presupposition that life itself is good simply because it provided the incarnate school to educate oneself.  Which does not preclude that in a higher realm people/spirits may also seek out learning in other venues however they may exist, just not a physical one.

That we make peace with ourselves and explore our shadows is done to be happier and enlightened: these both, happiness and enlightenment, seem to help people come to terms with the world which from the blind evolutionary perspective are correct attitudes in that the species continues to exist.

All that aside, I do find appealing the earth-as-school idea.  Coming to terms with my shit makes me happier.  And, fuck, while I’m here I better learn something about the beyond, sure as heck will not dismiss spiritual stuff with the bullshit wand of science.

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