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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hey America: I'm Mitt Romney and welcome to your new morning!

Listening to Mitt Romney’s supporters” after his New Hampshire primary win was kind of exciting.  “Mitt!  Mitt!  Mitt!” went the chant, coming often and causing Romney to pause in his speech.  Perhaps it was theatre, a moment staged by some of the consultants that are in Romney’s employ.  His speech too was rousing – I heard one commentator compare it to Reagan’s “Morning in America” theme.  Who wouldn’t respond to that optimism?  You’re American right?  I’m being serious, not that I’m going to vote.
            No, I think I’ll refrain from enter a polling place, school or fire station or wherever it may be.  Instead stay at home and watch it unfold.  Have you seen the movie The Dead Zone (or read the book but the movie is more evocative for my point – Cronenberg directed)?  The trajectory of Martin Sheen’s presidential contender character?  Yeah, I’m excited for Romney’s victory and the subsequent apocalypse.
            A couple points.  One, Romney wants to make the world fear our military (again?).  Fear so much that, indeed, none of our enemies will try and start anything.  This just seems too much.  Should we be able to fight three wars at once?  What, really, would make a Braveheart/insurgency fighter back down from their foe, whether it be Edward I or the United States?  Romney wants to control the thoughts of other countries.  I know that Romney was using a turn of speech, a hyperbolic statement.  What would it entail though?  It is obvious that this means more military spending/reversing spending cuts.
            And, second, in his speech Romney called Obama’s tenure a “failed presidency”.  My first thought was a goading, “Oh really, let’s see you do any better.”  That is what I thought.  Then, quickly, I thought it would be interesting to let him try and do better.  If he succeeds and proves his assessment of the Obama presidency right then good for him and better for the country.  It just seems like a big task.  Especially if some kind of apocalypse does occur right after he is elected.  Congratulations on your election but now you have even more to figure out then the last guy did.  I can hear Romney’s speeches now, his tone turned apologetic.  His wooden serious face replacing his wooden celebratory face.  Or, better for us all, he may prove me wrong and restore America’s greatness.  Maybe I would start voting again if that happened.
            Have to say it is an interesting system.  I doesn’t feel like it is occurring in a sane reality.  It feels like a bizarro world where money buys elections and corporations are the people making the purchases.  Words and phrases don’t mean what they appear to mean.  Obama the democrat may as well be Obama the republican.  Being complete means being rich – we are addicted to living in a car dominated environment.  We/I have a bad conscience about this way of life.  Polluting the environment.  Scrambling people’s minds with television.  We are now seeing the future we had coming.  President Romney will make sure we get to keep all our loud, obnoxious toys and, on top of that, not feel any remorse in doing so.
            If this is what America’s greatness entails then maybe it doesn’t need restoring.  From a dialectical view, maybe we need the emergency exacerbated, our situation pushed to final crisis.  Maybe Romney is the man do it.

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