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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hints of a greater reality - Part 2, Good directions

Already going in the direction that I was headed in my last post, I subsequently hit a rich vein of resonating material.  The writers and lecturers – if not legion – turn out to be rather numerous.  Jacques Vallee, Budd Hopkins, John E. Mack, Mike Clelland, Greg Bishop, Karla Turner, Peter Robbins – and more and more who I am discovering each day who usually are associated with those just mentioned.  What is it that these new folks resonate with/what was my last post about?  To sum up, I feel that events that run the gamut from ghosts to UFOs, from psychic phenomenon to angelic visitations are perhaps (gasp!) real.

Budd Hopkins

Thankfully the concern with which I entered into my recent post is still valid: there is no comprehensive/definitive theory about these phenomenon.  The question as to what it means and how it relates to us remains.  My recent searchings led me to the debate between Budd Hopkins and John E. Mack terrifically presented in this video – to a large extend this debate both presents and summarizes fundamental concerns in this area of thought.  Both men agree that something is going on.  However, on the one hand, Hopkins thought the interactions to be deceptive/malevolent while on the other hand Mack finds a source of enlightenment.

John E. Mack

Both Hopkins and Mack are eloquent and, more importantly, passionate – they involved themselves in the issue of abduction because that was the only thing that they could do. So too Peter Robbins, and Karla Turner, and, well and everyone else on the list of names above.  I said that there is no comprehensive/definitive theory: that is not true.  There are those that do present a narrative.  The listed folks above, however, are quite willing to go ahead and say “I don’t know.”

That is an important thing in research in this field.  Sure you have to talk about what is known but a line needs to be drawn at times.  You gotta have a good Hemingwayesqe bullshit detector and the folks above of mostly getting through unscathed.

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