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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Life in Empire, the Shadow in Empire

Any lifestyle maybe the venue for transcendence - accidents occur. But the life that says yes to mysteries - how about controllable mysteries - is in one way saying yes to more life experience in general, perhaps a precondition to experience mysteries. Is my attachment to Christianity still coloring my vision? Or, moreso my attachment to the American way of life which I would say has a spiritual effect – is it dangerous when humans simply get what they want?

Do I still infer the idea that human souls are being cultivated for some spiritual entities consumption? Do I place too much importance on America – as though American souls are somehow more delectable? But, one thing that an analysis of the effect of this land on people shows is the reality of change within our population group, changes in perception - the creation of a Shadow – as the concreteness of a people's self narrative develops so too does the Shadow take on a more solid dark reality. There is an intractableness in this situation - we are incapable of seeing a very important aspect of ourselves - how much is this aspect one of a people living in an Empire?

I instantly thought of my idea of how people should clamour for an increase in their share of this Empire – is this a way to mobilize masses - is this mobilization a good thing? What is in my shadow that I feel the need to release mental bonds – how may I benefit from this and quickly answer that question - in the least I may say that with some cognizance comes and aesthetic - a way to live life that seems fuller, more whole, better. I understand what it is that I may expect, understanding limitations as a way to overcome limitations.

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