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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Mass mind effects of the Long Emergency

From a conversation between Chris Martenson and James Howard Kunstler on the Peak Prosperity Podcast: 
Chris Martenson: It's clear that the leaders - I called them the managers now - the managers of the country are really only serving the elites and the mega-corporations and everyone else can just go pound sand. That's what it appears to me based on actions. 
James Howard Kunstler: It's so transparent that they can't even hide it anymore. You really have to admire their gall and you really have to be mystified that the media, the New York Times, nobody is really reporting on that. And I don't think that's because they're afraid of being communists or anything, they just seem to be too dense to get it. 
CM:  You think? How can they be that dense? Come on. 
JHK:  Yeah, well of course. It's barely in the public discussion. Even in the non mainstream media people barely square that circle. I think the bottom line may be this: you and I and all observers in a Heisenbergian sense of physics we are failing to notice something about what is going on and that is that the mere observation of all this turmoil is making people so crazy that they’re having trouble observing all the turmoil.  I do think that the country is getting really, literally crazy. 
This easily reminds me of Upton Sinclair’s statement that, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”  We are all in this together, this state of “literal craziness”.  What defines the parameters of the strife we encounter? 
Another quote, a statement of Plutarch and the thing our media will not discuss: “An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.”  Our base economic situation not being discussed. 

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